Church Family News

22 July - 4 Aug

"Those who trust in the Lord are like Mount Zion, which cannot be shaken but endures forever." Psalm 125v1

Dear friends 

Thanks again to Ed for taking us through the last three Psalms and for the comfort of hearing yesterday how secure we are in the Lord.  Praying this would be our joy and confidence this summer.

As some head off on summer holidays and kids break up from school let's keep in touch and be looking out for one another.  We aren't meeting centrally this week but Summerlink starts next Wednesday (31st July).  Here's the plan for those sessions in Dane Ortlund's wonderful book Gentle and Lowly

31st July ~ chapters 1&2 
7th August ~ chapters 3-5 
14th August ~ chapters 6&7 
21st August ~ chapters 19-21 

Looking forward to seeing you there on those Wednesdays - 8pm start, bring your own dinner.

Meanwhile Happy Hols :-)






As you reflect on your security in the Lord pray that God would help you to not be led away from Him.  Pray He would keep you trusting in Him especially when it feels hard to be a Christian and the world's way looks appealing. 


Pray for Roger and Connie Topping after Roger's fall and stroke.  Pray that the doctors would care for him well, for comfort and healing, and that God would help them to keep trusting in the Him at this difficult time. 


Pray for children and families as schools break up and summer holidays start.  Pray for strength and patience for parents as they care for their kids and pray for the children in Christ Church would see the gospel lived out in their homes this summer.  


Pray for the vulnerable and marginalised in our community.  Pray that people would be loving, kind and generous to those who are struggling and that the Lord would reach into those lives with His gospel of grace and forgiveness.  


Ask the Lord to bring many people through our doors each week.  Pray that people in Crouch End would hear about Christ Church and feel welcomed to come along.  Ask the Lord to be drawing people to Himself.  


Thank God for the ministry of Pathway which shares the gospel with primary aged children.  Pray on for the partnership between Pathway and Christ Church and especially the possibility of running an after school club with them next year.  Pray that God would open up more opportunities through this initiative to reach young people with the gospel in our area.


Praise God for Ben Robinson from St Paul's Haringey who is coming to preach for us today.  Pray for our hearts to be soft as we listen to God's word and for the chance to love and encourage each other with our words & actions today.  







Women's fellowship at Christ Church will be heading along to the North London Women's Conference on Saturday 4th October.  A great day of time together and encouragement - stick it in your diaries!

Grow North Women's Conference

Pathway's Fundraising Concert

A great event coming up in September to support our mission partner Pathway - fun for all the family! 


Back2Skool Pathway Fundraiser




Politics, Culture & Christians

Tim Farron who is a Lib Dem MP from the local area and a Christian gave a fantastic talk at Keswick this year about what is and isn't a salvation issue when it comes to engaging with the culture wars.